A virtual conference dedicated to the healthcare real estate sector in Australia. Healthcare Property Group is pleased to be a key sponsor of this important Healthcare Property vSummit. The Urban Developer has raised a topic that should not only be of interest to those directly within the industry but to the thousands of organisations, businesses
One of the less publicised benefits to come out of Tuesday’s federal budget were various announcements that the Government describes as “implementing the most significant reforms to Private Health Insurance (PHI) in over a decade”. This includes the allocation of $2.4million of funding for actuarial studies to look at two key pillars of the PHI system;
How do we Lose by Reopening our Health System? Let’s start with Elective Surgery. We have shut down the private health system to be ready for something that hasn’t occurred. We may need it, we may not. If so, surely it wouldn’t be that hard to convert them back to overflow facilities. Hundreds of hospitals
PEOPLE ARE DYING IN AMBULANCES PARKED OR “RAMPED” OUTSIDE ED TAKE A LOOK AT THIS 15th June 2018: “Baby dies at Sunshine Hospital after two-hour wait in emergency” – The Age 8th October 2018: “Two-year-old dies while waiting in emergency room” – SBS 3rd January 2019: “Patient dies sitting in Calvary emergency department waiting room”
As part of the 2017 Budget, the Australian Government announced its commitment to strengthening compliance under the Prohibited Practices Provisions as they relate to Pathology Approved Collection Centres (PACCs). The key words in the above paragraph are “commitment to strengthening compliance”. The Government is not enacting “new laws” per se. It has merely made a
GOVERNMENT SET TO LIMIT RENTS PAID BY BIG BUSINESSSAY GOOD BYE TO BULK BILLING & THE FAMILY GENERAL PRACTICE ↓ Down Goes Pathology Rents↑ Up Goes Pathology Profits↓ Down Goes General Practices To appease Pathology providers, the Government has decided that the rents OFFERED BY PATHOLOGY companies to the Landlord are too high. It
Proposed GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION will mean LESS GENERAL PRACTITIONERS, HIGHER COSTS TO PATIENTS, LONGER WAITING TIMES As a result of proposed Government action in relation to pathology collection centres, likely to take place this year, the prognosis for doctors and the public is bleak; Less General Practitioners. An increased likelihood of the need for patients to
A report titled “Westmead Innovation District: Building Western Sydney’s jobs engine” just released outlines the proposal for a “Westmead Innovation District” to be the next stage of development for the existing Westmead Health Precinct that will include health services, education and medical research facilities and a health technology park. Deloitte, together with Healthcare Real Estate