Demand Analysis Reports are a key consideration for a variety of clients to determine whether a substantial demand exists and whether it can be utilised to generate enough activity to be sustainable in the advancement of their individual objectives.

With its knowledge of the health sector, Healthcare Property Group will prepare detailed studies tailored to client’s demands and stated goals.

  • Providing relevant market insight into the property related needs and preferences of current and potential occupiers, in particular healthcare, medical research, education and related organisations.
  • Identifying preferred land uses and property characteristics to assist stakeholders in planning for the future.
  • Identify symbiotic relationships and interdependencies between current and future healthcare occupants, in order to identify potential areas of development, and to assist with the formulation of a long term business development strategy.
  • Based on the market needs and preferences identified, recommend practical strategies and action plans to adapt land uses in order to assist with driving economic development, enterprise growth, and providing employment opportunities which are consistent with our clients’ objectives.
  • Analysis and use of existing facilities and how this relates to future requirements. Exploring available options for the purposes of upgrading or expansion which may include reconfiguration of existing premises; moving to alternate sites and/or establishing new additional locations and planning exit strategies for the existing premises.

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